Successful companies regularly shake things up
Jamie is instantly engaging and memorable. We were looking for someone to help our team see that they can be more effective and happier in their roles by bringing more of themselves to work. Jamie did that fantastically. Through a series of stretching activities and sheer enthusiasm he helped our diverse group explore their strengths and ‘darker’ sides more to understand how each has a role in delivering their best to each other and our clients. He also took the time to understand more about who we are to ensure that his work was tailored and we really look forward to working with him again.
- Ben Wielgus, Associate Director, KPMG
““It takes Jamie’s approach to bring out our full potential. What he did at Google was breathtaking! Want to energise your team? Engage Jamie today!
“Jamie has amazing background that rivals…the most interesting man in the world….his experiences in music, film and charity will captivate you and motivate any company to be better…..I highly recommend him!”
“Jamie effortlessly captivated a room full of seasoned creative directors from all over Europe. He’s a positive inspiration – a force for good.”
I tailor one-on-one sessions, workshops and long-term culture change programs to each company and individual's unique needs.
My belief is that you and everyone who works with you is performing at 50% of their potential at best.
I observe most organisations being hugely limited by intolerable levels of stress, boredom and lack of personal engagement in the workplace.
I believe that success is only sustainable when individuals and teams are personally engaged with the work, with each other and especially with themselves and their own unique gifts.
Inspired and fulfilled people expend less energy, discover unexpected reserves of untapped skills and do measurably better work – benefiting everyone in the team.
My techniques within the group dynamics raise sensitivity and awareness in all challenging situations. Every challenge can and should be harvested for its gifts and insights reclaiming dormant creative resources and propelling the Company’s mission forward.
Progressive companies regularly shake things up.
If you share my vision, let me show you what I can do to transform your organisation.
Email me now