Explore your untapped potential with Jamie Catto. Attend workshops with the mischief-making creative coach, designed to shake up your life and challenge your perceptions of who you think you are.
WHAT? Transformative workshops.
WHY? To save us from ourselves and live in a way that is more efficient for everyone!
HOW? Through play, creativity, shadow work and intimacy.
“I’ve just realised I attended a presentation today at work. I usually shy to the back, but this time I was at the front, of where the attention was, absorbing directly at the place of focus. Present, no niggling thoughts. Jeesh, wow.
“I attended one of Jamie’s workshops... He’s good. A foul-mouthed, passionate, present, witty, musical wizard.”
“If you need a soul repair, go to this, peace, cleanse, laughter, really brilliant people, make space, reflect, thrive. It’s fully inclusive because people, including me donate extra, as bursaries for those who can’t afford it. Sliding scale so no excuses..... Jamie Catto go see him!”
Game Changer
A 4-month deep dive into our Empowerment, Creativity, Healing, and Intimacy to level up your Life and harvest the immeasurable gifts and treasures…while making some lifelong friends all the way.
Doors now open for April - click here to have a call with Jamie.
Bring It!
Teacher training for facilitators, leaders, coaches, and clowns. Bring forth and empower the unedited, unapologetic, full potential of your gifts.
Free Video Workshops
These 2-hour workshops are distilled versions of my 2-day workshops. If you can't make it to one of my events LIVE, you need a 2-hour refresher or a blast of good juice which you can always return to then pick which one(s) best for you and follow your lovely nose...
We explore not only how to find ways to get rid of the panic attacks but to use them to learn how we have not been self-caring , self-listening and resisting the illuminations that are being offered.
Learn tools and practices for manifesting the things and environments we need to thrive. Practical Magic isn’t only about making things happen but stepping into the place where that ‘happening’ is already true.
Lift off into personal and creative success totally free of any past baggage, old limiting beliefs, and sluggish patterns while energising a new chapter with all your creative potential...
Learn techniques and processes to diffuse time-bombs BEFORE they explode. We will seek out the trouble spots and practice preventative medicine, space clearing and ‘turning towards’ demons and issues so that they never need to smash the door down to get to us.
Trust Your Mouth
FREE Weekly Lovely Gatherings
Wednesdays at 7pm and Saturdays at 11am (UK time)
Our free weekly sharing session. Come bring a poem or a song or just yourself to hang out and share space—no need to even have your camera on if you’d be more comfortable lurking :) Wednesdays are at a USA-friendly time, and our other session is usually on Saturday unless I have a workshop. Sign up for my Nowsletter to get weekly reminders.
Come and connect to your inherent potential to share your gifts with the world!
In this short, free course, we will side-step the usual blocks and unworthiness or lack of confidence and explore how it is each of our very uniqueness and even eccentricity that delivers the aliveness and intimacy to the groups and individuals we want to positively impact.
Register to access the free course
There is enormous potential available to tap into which is way beyond our usual thinking minds. When we access it we reclaim and Reignite 100% of our Creative Power.
A two-day workshop designed to facilitate bringing your ideas and projects out of your head and into the real world.
Learn how to transform unruly demons into employees and harvest the many gifts within challenges instead of exhausting yourself battling them.
Tenderly bust all our foolishly inefficient strategies for getting what we want and clean the channel straight to the heart of direct, visible, powerful communication and action.
In this workshop, we will learn tools to come back to Power, switch on our dormant creative energy and dissolve anything in the way of it. We’ll explore tangible, down-to-earth processes for waking up that fire in our bellies, to energise ourselves and rediscover the optimism and sense of possibility.
A one-day workshop to tool us up for seasonal family mayhem and dysfunction!
Many of us run away from the difficult and dark sides of relationship or feel like something must be going wrong when dramas and conflicts arise, but what if the pain is a sign that something is going right? What if our loved ones were the perfect triggers for us to resolve the wounds we have accumulated around relating and truly stepping into our power? What if life was inviting us to turn towards the challenges, rather than away?
It’s time for us to transform the suffering sides of ourselves which arise so dramatically in our relationships, friendships, at home and at work. It’s time to stop struggling with the taboos, hiding the shameful, painful parts of ourselves which get triggered when we get close to others.
The more we feel shame for how we are, and what we truly deep down want, the more destructive we become. Our neediness, our sense of entitlement, our rage, our sense of being superior or inferior, our disempowerment, our selfishness – these turn us into Bitches and Bastards when they are not consciously accepted and integrated.
On this workshop, with simple games and tools, we harness this peace within ourselves, so that we can reflect it out into the world, it is sometimes necessary to navigate through the murky shadows of tangled fear, and steer a course into the sunshine of calm. We already have the ability to do this but the simple skills have been lying dormant within us.
At the end of the day you will leave having switched them on.
There will gentle games for us to learn techniques to allay our overworking imaginations, a light playfulness to retain the aura of quietude. We will learn how to quiet the mind when it starts to revolve with dark imaginings.
We will learn how to to acquiesce to the waves of life. We will learn how to to forge our paths through the forest of worry and anxiety, out into the vista of peace, And we will learn to conciliate our misguided egos in order to ebody peace for the world.
Let's heal the past and step forward into our full potential together. The men and women of the planet need a paradigm shift and to fully commit to taking the steps to hear each other and get beyond both the pain of our 'now' and of our ancestors.
Most people I know are fully behind unity and equality while also celebrating the differences too, the different gifts that sometimes men and women bring (without gender stereotyping….). I believe that the state of the planet, the level of destruction, the worship of quick money and addiction to power that's so destructive, is rooted in the unhealed male and female wound. This is the root. When we come back together the planet (which is a living expression of symptoms of this unhealed wound) will begin to self-mend rapidly.
This one-day online workshop is for people who’d like to take a committed, positive, compassionate step towards a world where we meet each other openly and with the full intention of visioning a world where men and women honour each other, hold each other in the past abuses and pain, hear each other deeply, and feel each other on a whole new level so that we can together create and enjoy a future of mutual support and full potential.
This space will be a held, conscious environment using responsible language tools and huge empathy to mutually heal, listen and vision a next chapter free from the immense wounds of the past.
I'm proud to say that my business is 100% inclusive and no-one is ever turned away for money reasons. So if you'd like to come to a workshop but the ticket price is out of your range, please don't let that ever be a reason for not coming. I want you in the room.
I truly believe these workshops are an amazing opportunity to receive everything I’ve learned about getting what’s inside you OUT and actually launched in the world being loved by loads of people, the whole dream. The experience in my life of having my gifts received is totally fulfilling. That’s central to what the workshop is about, being received and seeing your gifts have a positive or even healing effect on your community and the World – and even if you can’t afford the full fee you are urged to come anyway.